What’s Vehicular Addiction?

Here’s the break down.

VEHICLE (noun): A means of carrying something, such as cars, trucks, motorcycles, planes, or boats

ADDICTION (noun): A compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity

VEHICULAR ADDICTION (noun): A compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for vehicles

We are Vehicularly Addicted; a father, son, and daughter trio, who share a strong love for cars, trucks, and motorcycles. (I love to fly, so I’m into planes, too. We did boats years ago, but not anymore. Who know’s, we may include those too.)

I’m Keith “Shin” Schindler, the father. There’s Joe Schindler, my son, and Tiffnie Schindler Gonzales, my daughter. We three know that there are others like us; others who have to have vehicles, for more than just transportation.


In addition to our Daily Drivers (my F-250 Super Duty 6.0, my son’s Tundra, and my daughter’s Toyota Rav4), we have others. Between the three of us, we have 3 classic trucks and 4 classic cars; 3 are running and the other 4 are in the works.

Oh, the son and I also have 9 motorcycles between us, again running and not running.


We’re addicted to vehicles, but we’re not the only ones. We know that there are others out there, just like us.

With that, we’ve decided to launch an idea that’s been kicking around in my brain for a while, Vehicular Addiction, a years-old Facebook page, a Twitter account, and this website, through which we plan to reach out to others, afflicted as we are.

So, stay tuned for the adventures as we share in our Vehicular Addiction.

Keith “Shin” Schindler